By Eleanor Beeslaar

Physical activity is an important part of health and wellness, regardless of your age. It can lead to many positive health outcomes, including a decreased risk for health problems and diseases, lower levels of stress and anxiety, improved mental and emotional well-being, and a longer life expectancy (American Heart Association, 2017). Promoting family physical activity is especially important for kids, because it helps them develop healthy habits and grow into healthy adults!

A great way to increase your family’s level of physical activity is to make it a part of your routine! Find time throughout the week to incorporate exercise into your family’s schedule. You don’t have to do anything elaborate or take up lots of time to be active. Think of fun and simple activities that the whole family can enjoy and be flexible if activities don’t work out or need to be rescheduled.

Here are some ideas to get your family moving!

  • With younger children, one of the best ways to get moving is to play!
  • Take family walks around the neighborhood, on a trail, or at a park.
  • Plan weekends with physical activities like hiking, going to the park, or swimming during warm weather. Greensboro has many great parks for families to visit!
  • Have a family dance party!
  • Plan a day of family gardening, where you can experience great weather, enjoy the beauty of nature, work together as a family, and get lots of exercise.
  • If you have a dog, take it on a walk.
  • Support your children in trying different sports.
  • If possible, take the stairs or walk whenever you can.

Increasing physical activity in your family not only promotes health and well-being, but it also provides many wonderful opportunities to spend time together and create deeper connections.


American Heart Association (2017, January 14). Why is physical activity so important for health and wellbeing? Retreived from

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